As you can see from this self storage tips guide to saving money on your storage unit, there are lots of ways you can get saving immediately. Always remember to do your research before you commit to a storage facility, after all, reviews and the units on offer can be a huge indicator as to whether or not a company is going to be right for you. Doing the necessary research early on will help you to avoid getting stuck with a company that treats you poorly and doesn’t care about you, the customer’s, thoughts and feelings.
Always see if you can get the best offer. If you have a unit in a major city but don’t access it frequently – move it a little further out, you’ll save yourself a fortune every month in storage rent. Do your best to get a bargain too when you go to purchase a unit, most companies want you as a customer and will be willing to at least match the price a competitor is offering. If you can try and save some money on your monthly fees, then go for it.
Always beware of hidden costs and the short term special offers. These offers may look amazing, with some even offering the first month or even 2 months for free, but they are more expensive than renting a unit at the standard price in the long run. Hidden costs are almost always found in these offers as well, and they can really up the price of your weekly/monthly rent at short notice. Instead look at a company like who will move your goods for free and save on your rental fees also. Always read the contracts and paperwork thoroughly before you sign anything and make sure you ask questions if you spot a hidden cost. After all, it’s you who is paying and you need to know where your money is going.
Hopefully, this little guide has given you some help when it comes to searching for a storage unit and saving money in the process. We all know that self-storage costs money but it’s important to try and save as much as you can. Remember these key points in this summary as well as the little self storage tips and tricks mentioned throughout this page for the best ways to save. You’ll have an excellent storage unit deal in no time at all.