Read all about the things you definitely need when you’re moving house. These things won’t take the stress away, but they will definitely make the move easier.
Moving house is a really stressful time, and you can’t really do anything about that, because there isn’t a way to stop there being at least some level of stress involved in such a huge change. However, there are lots of things you can do to prevent extra stress, or things going wrong so although challenging, the whole experience goes as well as possible. Today, we want to help you with planning your house move with a list of 25 items that you definitely need during this tricky process, some of which you are unlikely to have considered before now:
1. Kindness
OK it isn’t a ‘thing’, but it is so important. Kindness towards yourself during this time is key to keeping some level of self love at the end of a brutally chaotic process. Kindness to others will also go a long, long way to getting you the best possible service from all the staff at the affordable self storage facility, removals company and solicitors etc, which is really helpful. Lastly, being kind to friends and family is also a really great idea. They won’t mind you having a vent or two, but being kind to them where possible can help you to get lots of helpful favours like extra hands for packing, or cleaning the new place – kindness and plenty of tea and biscuits, of course.
2. Patience
OK, OK, sorry another thing that isn’t a thing! But, if you don’t have patience for everyone and everything moving house, you’ll reach boiling point really quickly. Things will go wrong, people will peeve you off, and you will break at least one item even with the very best packing known to man. Being as patient as possible will flow naturally if you simply accept that this won’t be a perfect process.
3. Boxes
Finally an actual thing! Yes, boxes are most handy during a house move. Supermarkets have free ones going, you know. The banana boxes are especially strong and have lids too, which is brilliant for items like books or picture frames. Alternatively, look on the Next Door app and other local forums to find people who have free boxes listed. Many people will give them away for free after they have moved house themselves, so it’s worth a look.
4. Packing Tape
You need all of the packing tape you can get when you move house. It strengthens even the weakest boxes and bags really quickly, keeping everything secure inside. So when you go to buy a roll, buy several and then some – you’ll probably still run out!
5. Teabags & Biscuits
Whether you’re serving cups and snacks to removal men, to your partner during a stressful call with the estate agent, or you’re taking a break from endless packing, you will need tea and biscuits. Don’t just get the cheapo biscuits either – that won’t win you any favours! Chocolate covered or chipped all the way, because when there are delays, breakages and other house move challenges – you all need a chocolate biscuit.
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6. Labels
It makes a lot of sense to be extremely organised when you move house. Labels help you categorise absolutely everything, whether the item is going on the removals van, into budget self storage, or staying where it is for now. We would recommend sticky tape with ‘fragile’ or ‘handle with care’ on, as well as sticky labels you can write on and whack straight onto the box.
7. Cleaning Tools
Kitchen roll, multi-surface spray and sponges will feature in a cleaning kit that you need for absolutely everything. From cleaning the self storage unit, the house you’re leaving, cleaning things you are packing or unpacking, and cleaning the house you move into, you’ll need all of the cleaning tools you can get your hands on. Ideally, you’ll have little kits in all the locations you need to clean, so you don’t have to remember to cart one kit around with you everywhere (you already have enough to remember!).
8. A Notepad
Your phone is always handy during a move, but how come the battery dies the exact moment you need to get into the notes on it?! To protect yourself from the battery failing, have a proper paper notepad and pen in your pocket and make that pad your bible. Take pictures of full pages on it in case you lose it when your phone is charged, but do otherwise treat it as your go-to organisation hub so you have a backup. Alternatively, make sure you have charged batteries and charging wires everywhere you go, that way you don’t have to worry about your phone dying. In addition to that, storing your information on encrypted apps that store on the cloud means if your phone breaks, you haven’t lost your information forever and can get to it via another smart device.
9. Friends & Family
No, they are not things, but they are assets during this moving process. You really will need to call in favours from your friends and family during this time. Whether you borrow lifts to your affordable self storage unit, have help with moving your things from A to B, or have somewhere to go to let off steam, you will absolutely need your support system during a house move. Some of those chocolate biscuits we mentioned above, as well as a sprinkle of that kindness we also mentioned, will go a long way to helping with this.
10. A Sense Of Humour
Ending on another thing that isn’t a thing – why change the habit of a lifetime, eh?! But, hear us out, humour really is a thing you need when you move house. Above all else, when things are absolutely chaotic and you wonder why you bothered starting this process, in the meantime you really do need to be able to keep a light heart. Have a bit of a giggle, because it really is all going to be OK, and soon enough you will be making memories in your beautiful new place.
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