If you’re having a garden party this summer, this article will help you get your house ready so you don’t have a lot of mess after all the fun ends.
Often when we hold a garden party the preparation focus goes on the garden rather than the house. Making it look beautiful, doing the weeds, trimming back bushes and adding all kinds of cute decorations and lighting – it’s a big part of the fun, isn’t it? It also makes sense as most people will be outside in your garden during the event.
However, this can be quite a costly mistake to make when it comes to your home. A lack of preparation can lead to all kinds of problems arising on the big day. Stains, breakages, embarrassment – it’s not worth it when a little preparation like these 5 tips will help prevent anything negative happening during this fun and exciting event:
1. Clean That Toilet
It should be clear to everyone where the toilet is. If you have more than a handful of people over, pop up a sign that shows where the toilet is located and perhaps put up a sign on the door which says toilet too.
It might seem obvious to you, but maybe not to everyone, especially after a few drinks!
You’ll want to put an extra toilet roll or two in there as well because people become more generous with what they use at houses that aren’t their own. Some anti-bacterial gel, some nice hand wash and maybe even some hand cream will also add a nice touch if you really want to go the extra mile.
Lastly, clean that room within an inch of its life, there is nothing more off putting at a party than a toilet in bad shape. You’ll want to periodically check the room as well, so that any embarrassing mess left by kids etc is cleaned up and dealt with to avoid embarrassment.
2. Put Away Breakables
Wherever it is likely people will go in your house during the party, remove the breakables. This will definitely include the kitchen and the way to the toilet, at least. It may also include a dining room and perhaps areas in and around where the kids play, if they are old enough to play alone and get bored with the garden fun outside.
Ornaments, art, delicate soft furnishings – put them all in your spare room. You might also want to pop houseplants in there, especially if you have kids or animals coming over as some plants can be toxic to them. If the party is going to be large and you want to prepare further, consider affordable self storage for your breakables. You can get a storage unit as small as a gym locker and the contracts are super affordable and flexible too. It’s worth considering if the party is going to be a big one, there are lots of kids and you don’t know everybody who is coming.
3. Create Room For Weather Protection
Even if you have a gazebo setup it is worth setting up an area for weather protection inside. You don’t want to stop people coming inside if a downpour starts and let’s face it, it might.
Consider putting all the main furniture into your budget self storage unit and cover the floor with mats or old rugs. You could also invest in a waterproof floor rug which can be used both inside and outside the house. These kinds of products often look nice and provide easy protection for the flooring, so could be worth considering if you’ll go on to use them outside in future anyway.
Lastly, have some extra seating in there as well in case people need to come in for longer than expected. This could be chairs from your low-cost self storage, floor cushions, bean bags, stools – people aren’t fussy when they are at a casual garden/ house party.
4. Have Extra Space For Food & Drink
If your kitchen is small you may want to utilise a side room or even your living room for food and drink. Large parties use up a lot of refreshments, and you don’t want chaos in the kitchen through cramming it all in there. This includes any tables you may want to put up to serve buffets, and storage space for food and drink that hasn’t been put out yet (refills etc).
Clear space in your home for the food and drink, or, pop your garage, summerhouse or shed belongings into your local self storage unit and use those spaces instead.
5. Smoke Protection
We can use the barbecue or brick oven for longer than usual when we are entertaining a lot of people. That can mean extra smoke that finds its way into your house and it may leave your furniture, clothes and curtains a little stinky long after the party.
To avoid that burnt smell all over your stuff, put your barbecue and fire pits as far down the garden as you can during the event. You should also ensure all windows and doors that face the garden are kept shut. You may want to pop a little note on any doors leading in and out of the house people will use for the toilet, letting them know to keep the doors shut.
For politeness and consideration, also consider letting your neighbours know about the event so they can keep their windows shut. Even better, give them an invite so they feel welcome and can come and join in the fun!
When Will You Hold Your Next Summer Garden Party?
The tips above can help you to get both your outdoor and indoor areas prepared for your big event for the best guest experience, and plenty of protection of your home and the belongings inside.
By ensuring that everything is ready to go on the big day, you can relax and enjoy yourself with friends and family who will be more than excited to come again for your phenomenal parties because they’re so good!