Find out how to ensure your socially distant garden party is a success.
The pandemic is still very much happening, and the world is still very far from normal. However, rules in the UK are now allowing many of us to have some sort of a social life now, including being able to have some people around to our homes. The easiest place to hold a get together at the moment is in the garden. With everybody being outdoors and not indoors, it’s a more comfortable space to socialise all round, based on the latest government guidelines.
If you’re tentatively planning your first socially distant garden party, you have plenty to think about. Although it might not be as relaxed and carefree as it always has been, with these tips, it can be a memorable, fun and safe event for everyone involved:
1. Be Really Specific With Your Guest List
It is important to be really specific with your guest list because you need to be able to control numbers, and you need to be able to contact anybody who visited. Trust is also an important factor when you choose to share your space with other people at this time. Be specific with your guest list letting those you invite not to bring any plus 1’s without consulting you first. It sounds strict but during this time, your loved ones will understand.
2. Get Some Signs So Guests Know What To Do
Nobody wants to be a bossy host but guests will actually feel more comfortable knowing how to move and interact within your space during this time. Signs pointing to the toilet they can use, the sink they can use, the anti-bacterial gel they should use, and the things they should do (AKA wipe the toilet after use), should all be in signage.
3. Use Disposables
You could just ask everybody to bring their own food and drink if you want to, whilst you provide the setting and the atmosphere. If not, why not use eco-friendly disposables? That way everything gets recycled and thrown away without any worry of cross-contamination. It is also helpful to avoid self-serve buffets if you can and instead plate up portions and dishes, or provide pre-packaged food.
4. Consider Using Cheap Self Storage To Make Space
To make more space outside you might want to place some outdoor items into self storage temporarily. Some cheap self storage contracts are as little as a week long, which is perfect for your party. You might also want to make space indoors where guests may need to go to and from the sink or the toilet. Storing indoor furniture in your kitchen/ diner may then allow guests to easily utilise the inside space without having to squeeze past each other.
5. Supply Plenty Of Anti-Bac
Anti-bacterial gel is a really great way for guests to continue to keep their hands clean in between washing. It’s also a reassuring product to have in several spots around the garden, helping guests know that their host has their health and safety in mind.
6. Consider Keeping The Pets Inside
Although it still isn’t clear if pets can get Covid-19, what we do know is that they could carry it, in the same way any shared item could. If a person accidentally coughs near a pet or, perhaps wipes their nose and then a pet, the pets fur could hold contaminants. It doesn’t take much to spread the virus, as we all know. For that reason you may wish to keep your social dog or, lap-loving kitty inside for the party so they don’t inadvertently spread anything around whilst they socialise.
7. Cover Over Anything That Can’t Be Cleaned Afterwards
Most items you use, like chairs, tables, cups and door handles, can all be cleaned and wiped down after guests have left. To make sure you can properly disinfect your home, it could be a good idea to cover over anything that isn’t as easily cleaned. Children’s sandpits or shared smaller toys should probably be restricted, and hand towels switched for kitchen towels or blue roll. It all helps avoid cross contamination and a difficulty in cleaning items after the party is over.
With the tips above, and by following the latest government guidelines, you can enjoy hosting again. Being social is so important when things have been so lonely, so it’s worth the extra effort to make it memorable, easy and most importantly, safe for everyone involved.