How To Make The Most Of Staying Put As House Prices Set To Drop

Find out how to embrace your house right now, as selling up might have to be put on hold for a while.    

house prices - houses in wimbledon

According to various headlines house prices are set to drop, leading lots of people who had planned to sell up and move, to rethink things and stay put instead.

The problem is, you wanted to up and move for a reason, and those reasons don’t go away just because you can’t sell right now. So, are you just destined to be miserable at home until house prices pick up again? Absolutely not, there is a lot you can do with your home to improve its functionality and aesthetic whilst you embrace staying off the housing market for a bit longer. Let’s take a closer look:

Are Bigger Repairs Back On The Table?

Maybe you wanted to move with any damage or issues clearly visible to the buyer. Not everybody wants to spend lots of money on big repairs or changes to a property before moving house. Now you are staying put for a while, though, is a big repair something that would make the house nicer to live in? If you won’t be moving for a year or two, maybe more, perhaps an upgrade to a nicer bathroom or new flooring in the kitchen could make a big difference to how you feel in the property. It could also result in more functionality and value when it comes to selling the house again.

Is It A Case Of Aesthetics?

Are there some affordable, surface level changes you could make that would make you happier in the house? A new lick of paint, some new blankets or throws, some new bedding – just a beautiful overhaul that is easy to reverse, but that will make you happier during this house move delay.

Could Affordable Self Storage Help With Space?

Lots of people move house because of a lack of space in the home. Apart from building an extension or having a loft conversion, there’s not much you can do to create more physical space.

That being said, you can reclaim some storage space instead by having a good clearout. Decluttering is a fantastic idea for moving house, but if you need even more room, why not utilise a service like affordable self storage?

You can use it for storing anything at all (apart from a short list of exclusions like firearms) so if you have some large furniture you are saving for your next house, a lot of hobby items or seasonal items that cramp your current home – now is the time to utilise affordable self storage. Perhaps if you’re still growing your family or pursuing a working from home career, now is the time to create more space with affordable self storage anyway, so that you can enjoy day to day life without things feeling so cramped.

Grow Something Today To Brighten Up Tomorrow

Why not get into houseplants/ gardening? You may not have wanted to grow anything because you thought you’d be moving, but now you’re staying you can benefit from the interaction with nature and the aesthetic of plants.

Relax Back In

Sometimes when we don’t plan to move after we were preparing for it, the house is very pristine and freshly decorated and it no longer feels like our own home. That was the idea – to create a space that was a blank canvas for a buyer. Now you’re staying, relax back in and do what you need to do to feel you’re at home again. You can always decorate and deep clean again when you do move, and in the meantime you have this wonderful blank canvas to enjoy.

Hopefully with the tips above you can enjoy your current home a little bit more whilst the housing market takes a bit of a downturn. We never know what’s around the corner, so it’s important to enjoy the here and now, hopefully one day coming back to your plans to relocate again without life at home feeling like too much of a pause in the meantime.

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