Read about 5 essential items you must remember when packing for a camping trip to ensure your next outdoor adventure goes to plan.
We know that you know to take your tent, yourself and your sleeping gear on your next camping trip. We aren’t here to remind you (although perhaps we just sneakily did…) of the obvious things you need. But we do want to help you remember 5 things that you might forget, that have the potential to make your camping trip miserable if you forget them. Take a look at this list of 5 items to remember when packing for a camping trip:
1. Wet Wipes
For eco-awareness, it is a good idea to source biodegradable wipes if you can. Either way, baby wipes or wet wipes are a lifesaver when it comes to a camping trip. Even if you have access to a shower block and other washing facilities, quick wipes are amazing for life inside the tent. You can wipe up spills really fast, you can have a quick wet wipe wash, you can remove makeup, you can even wipe up food debris from the pots for now, before washing them properly later, stopping bad smells and interest from insect and animals.
2. Spare Tent Pegs
It is unwise to only take the amount of pegs needed for your tent. Pegs get bent, lost or otherwise disappear (where do they go?!) and so having spares will ensure you can always anchor that tent down.
3. Anti-bacterial Gel
Let’s be honest, most people don’t visit the toilet block every time they need the loo during a camping trip. This is especially true in the case of being near trees. Anti-bacterial gel is the perfect way to temporarily kill any nasty germs on your hands between proper toilet trips.
4. Small Buckets
Storage in tents can become chaotic quickly. Small buckets (especially those bendy ones with handles either side) are perfect for storing items and can also be used to wash pots too, if you heat up water on the gas camping cooker. For middle of the night emergencies, they also come in handy for going to the loo inside the tent.
5. Washable Mats/ Old Carpet
The front area of a tent can become really muddy and yet it is the area where you often have to kneel, making it a real dirty clothes hazard. That area of muddy ground can become soaked when it rains causing even more problems. Washable thick mats or old carpet are always handy for this area, enabling you to create a ground cover to help avoid a mud bath.
Hopefully this list has helped you get some useful ideas for your upcoming camping trip. It is so easy to be focused on the essentials and the fun to come we can forget all about little hacks that make a huge different during the trip. Be clever with your packing and you’ll have plenty of smug moments during your next big camping adventure.